Minggu, 15 Januari 2017


Groovy babes, do you keep journals? Or are you planning to make one? I do love journals. I don't exactly know what type of journals I'm keeping, I write everything in there, not only my daily life but also poetries, novel ideas, sometimes art and sentimental stuff. I don't keep a bullet journal though it is very popular. I don't like it, I feel like it's too much work even though it is beautiful. But I mean, people are different, so don't judge me on this hahaha.

Alright, so, here are tips on keeping a journal from writetodone.com:

1.  Take your journal everywhere you go.
But if you don’t have it with you, write notes on whatever you can find (a napkin, a sales receipt, etc.) or use your smart phone’s voice recorder and then simply transcribe and paste the notes in your journal whenever you get around. Try to do it at least every week so you don’t forget.

2.  Select a journal that feels right to you
Over the years I’ve used spiral-bound notebooks with lined pages, hardcover books with unlined pages, 3-ring notebooks with folders for loose papers, and beautifully crafted handmade journals.
But for the last several years I’ve been addicted to Moleskine notebooks which are available in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. They aren’t bulky and don’t come apart easily. In addition, they fit comfortably in a purse, pocket or computer case.
Whatever you choose is fine; just don’t buy something so precious that you’re afraid to use it. This is a workbook that is meant to be messy.

3.  Handwrite your journal entries 
Of course, you can do it on a computer and there are some well-reviewed journaling software programs out there, but my experience is that it’s too easy to edit your thoughts on a computer and that gives your inner critic the opportunity to rear her ugly head.
Handwriting keeps things more spontaneous and also gives you clues about your emotional state.  If you’re anything like me, you can tell what you’re feeling just by analyzing the state of your writing.

4.  Leave room—usually just a few pages—in the beginning of each journal for an informal table of contents 
Number each page and try to list the topics covered as you go along.  This makes finding the “good stuff” a lot easier down the road.  Don’t worry about doing this each time you journal. But do complete your table of contents before starting your next journal. Trust me on this…. 

5.  Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or any other rules 
Unless you have an “evil sister” you probably don’t have to worry about anyone seeing your journal unless you choose to share it. This is a workbook, not a finished product, so let the rules go—at least for now. You’ll have plenty of time to fully develop and then edit these ideas later.

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